黒鷲遊撃軍 The Black Eagle Strike Force
ヒューベルト: お見事でした、エーデルガルト様。
Hubert: That was incredible, Lady Edelgard.
エーデルガルト: ありがとう。
Edelgard: Thank you.
Honestly, I'm relieved. They really chose to follow me...
I was resolved to move forward alone if I had to, but in my heart I hoped it wouldn't come to that.
ヒューベルト: 私がいる限り、決して独りにはなりません。その点はお忘れなく。
Hubert: So long as I am here, you will never be alone. Please do not forget that.
And...it would seem that the professor also has a key role to play in this.
エーデルガルト: そう、ね。少し師と話してくるわ。
Edelgard: You're right. Now, I must speak with our teacher.
Please, make preparations. The messenger should be here shortly.
ヒューベルト: はっ、お任せを。
Hubert: Consider it done.
エーデルガルト: ……師。少し話してもいいかしら。
Edelgard: Professor, may I speak with you?
Byleth: 構わない Of course.
エーデルガルト: ありがとう……。
Edelgard: I appreciate it.
Byleth: どうした? What's wrong?
エーデルガルト: ……私は、不安なの。不安で押し潰されそう……。
Edelgard: I'm just...anxious. It feels like the weight of this burden is crushing me.
At this very moment, on my orders, I'm starting a war.
An army far larger than the one that attacked the Holy Tomb last month will soon be locked in battle.
Long-devised strategies are unfolding across Fódlan. Leaders are deciding their loyalties and preparing to fight...
エーデルガルト: 多くの将兵が死ぬでしょう。戦乱に巻き込まれる民も少なくない。
Edelgard: So many generals and soldiers will die. It's inevitable that civilians will get caught up in the chaos as well.
There will be countless casualties.
With a single command, the flames of war will rage across all corners of this realm.
And I am the one who is giving the order.
Choice 1: その道を選んだのでは? This is the path you chose, isn't it?
エーデルガルト: ええ、そうよ。もはや後戻りはできないわ。
Edelgard: Yes, it is. There is no turning back.
Choice 2: ならばやめると? Do you wish to stop?
エーデルガルト: いいえ。もはや後戻りはできないわ。
Edelgard: No. There is no turning back now.
エーデルガルト: 私の足元に、どれほどの血が流れようと、歪んだ教団の支配を打ち砕かねばならない。
Edelgard: No matter how much blood flows at my feet, I will not relent. We must break the bonds that the depraved church has placed on Fódlan.
These sacrifices will allow us to create a future where we never need sacrifice again. It may seem contradictory, but it's the only way.
Heh. Listen to me. I made up my mind long ago. Yet here I am, seeking your approval.
Tell me the truth, my teacher. Are you happy with your decision to stand by my side?
Unlike me, you can still walk away from all of this.
This path leads to the death of the archbishop and the servants of the church. Can you live with that?
Byleth: 自分も道を選んだ I chose this path too.
エーデルガルト: 本当に、貴方は……
Edelgard: I never thought...
I'm sorry. It was a foolish question.
I believe in you, professor. And you believed in me.
With that knowledge, I have the strength to keep fighting.
Let's go... There's something I need to say to Hubert.
ヒューベルト: 陛下、本軍から予定どおりに進軍中との報告がありました。
Hubert: Your Majesty, the latest report indicates that our main army is advancing as planned.
Also, the preparations for your manifesto are almost complete.
Byleth: 檄文? Manifesto?
エーデルガルト: 帝国は、まもなくフォドラ全土の諸侯に檄文を発するの。
Edelgard: We will distributing our manifesto to every lord within Fódlan.
We will expose the dark side of the Church of Seiros and the foul practices of the nobles from the Kingdom and the Alliance.
We will force the people of Fódlan to open their eyes to the truth and relinquish any remaining conviction to unite against the empire.
Certain nobles have already offered their support.
ヒューベルト: 教団との敵対を選ぶ貴族も、いるのです。断ずるべきは断じ、許すべきは許す……
Hubert: There are other nobles who oppose the church. We will condemn those who deserve condemnation and forgive those who deserve forgiveness.
We have already purged some of the Imperial nobles who are morally rotten.
My father among them. How unfortunate.
エーデルガルト: そして、それに合わせてガルグ=マク大修道院を攻め落とす。
Edelgard: And soon we will invade and conquer Garreg Mach.
Our main army has already departed the Imperial capital. They will arrive at the monastery in two weeks' time.
There, we will join forces with them.
As for us, I'd like your opinion on how we should be positioned within the army.
Choice 1: 皇帝直属軍 We are the Imperial shield.
Choice 2: 帝国遊撃軍 We are the Imperial sword.
ヒューベルト: そうですな。どうせ陛下も先生の軍に加わるおつもりでしょう。
Hubert: Your majesty wishes to fight alongside the professor, correct?
In that case, you will not be incorporated into the Empire's main army.
Your squad can move freely about the battlefield under supervision of the Imperial forces... That would be most prudent.
エーデルガルト: ええ……師が皇帝である私を指揮するなんて、表立ってはできないから。
Edelgard: Now that I'm the emperor, we can't let it slip that I'm following your command in battle, Professor.
ヒューベルト: そもそも前線に出ることすら、私は反対ですがね。
Hubert: I fully object to the notion of you fighting on the front lines.
エーデルガルト: ヒューベルト。それについては議論を尽くしたはずよ。
Edelgard: Hubert. We've already discussed this.
ヒューベルト: これはこれは。失礼を致しました。
Hubert: My apologies... I overstepped.
エーデルガルト: さて、そうと決まれば、私たちの新たな軍に名をつけるわ。
Edelgard: Now that the details are settled, all that's left is come up with a name for ourselves.
In honor at our time at the academy, how about we call ourselves the Black Eagle Strike Force?
Choice 1: 素晴らしい I love it. (Edelgard ⤴)
エーデルガルト: 師にそう言ってもらえて良かったわ。一晩かけて考えたの。
Edelgard: I'm so happy you feel that way. I must confess that I spent all night thinking about it.
Choice 2: 名前負けしそう I hope we can live up to that name.
エーデルガルト: 貴方が率いるのに、それはないわ。鷲のように大きく自由に羽ばたくことでしょう。
Edelgard: With you as our leader, I'm confident we will. To me, that name represents us soaring toward a new dawn, freely as an eagle.
Choice 3: 格好つけ過ぎでは Isn't that a bit much? (Edelgard ⤵)
エーデルガルト: ………………。貴方とは、いささか感性が違いそうね。
Edelgard: It seems we have differing tastes. I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree.
エーデルガルト: 師、貴方は“黒鷲遊撃軍”の出撃準備を進めてくれる? 頼んだわ。
Edelgard: I'll leave it to you to prepare the Black Eagle Strike Force for departure.